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DMR Steam Day

On the Sunday 25th August 2024 we are holding our fourth annual steam day at the railway for the first time this year, we will have three steam loco's out on services. 

Whilst the steam engines are steaming up a diesel will be in service during the morning and again in the evening at the end of the gala. 

We'd like to thank everyone who attended the event in may and hope to see you again in August.

Loco's out for the gala

Steam TBA

D1015 'Western Champion' (Morning and evening services)  

Loco's out for display

No.2 'Marcus'

No.2 'Remus' 

No.3 'Boadicea' 


Tickets are £1.50 per person

Under 2's go free.

10 ride tickets are £12.00 

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