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Tara The Tram 

‘Tara’ started life as a model tram, but had been unused for many years. During 2006/7, it was dismantled and expertly restored, and now forms a coin-in-slot type drive-yourself tram for children under 12 years old. Tara runs on a 250ft long track, which starts adjacent to the station (at New Station Road), and runs parallel to the main running line and back.  Each ride costs 50p, and two children can ride at once.The livery of the tramcar is reminiscent of the old Manchester Corporation trams which used to operate from the turn of the century until the 1950's.

Loco Profile:  Tara No.1

Date Built/Builder: Re-built 2007, S.Cameron

Length of Run 250ft

Speed 2.5mph

Type Bo-4w

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